Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Health Benefits of Broccoli

Broccoli is a great source of calcium, the calcium in it being more easily accessed by the body than from milk. 

Uncooked broccoli is a great source of Vitamin K, essential 

for the proper clotting of the blood if you are cut. Heat from cooking destroys all the vitamin K. 

The phytochemicals 
(plant chemicals) in broccoli, as in all 
edible plants, are still yet being discovered as to what and why they benefit.
Broccoli is part of a family of veggies known as cruciferous vegetables. These vegetables contain phytonutrients, which have anticancer properties. Human population and animal studies show that diets high in cruciferous vegetables, like broccoli, are associated with a lower risk of breast, ovarian, lung, colon and bladder cancer.
One cup of steamed broccoli contains:
  • 205 percent of the RDA of vitamin C
  • 190 percent of the RDA of vitamin K
  • 46 percent of the RDA of vitamin A
  • 24 percent of the RDA of foliate
  • 19 percent of the RDA of dietary fiber
  • 17 percent of the RDA of manganese
  • 15 percent of the RDA of calcium
Broccoli also contains significant amounts of protein, omega-3 fatty acids, B vitamins, iron and zinc.

Health Benefits of Mushroom

Though mushrooms are commonly thought to have little nutritional value, many species are high in fiber and provide vitamins such as thiamine, riboflavin, niacin, biotin, cobalamins,ascorbic acid.Though not normally a significant source of vitamin D, some mushrooms can become significant sources after exposure to ultraviolet light, though this also darkens their skin. Mushrooms are also a source of some minerals, including iron, selenium, potassium and phosphorus.

Mushrooms should not be confused with mold and 
fungi however, which do not form fleshy fruit 
bodies. To learn more about the details of how mushrooms grow and propagate, please listen to the interview or read through the transcript. The common button mushroom, while not as 'interesting' as its more exotic cousins, is an excellent low-calorie food, especially for diabetics. It contains a number of valuable nutrients, including:

·         Protein

·         Enzymes
·         B vitamins (especially niacin)
·         Vitamin D2

Bell Pepper Health Benefits

Bell peppers contain very high amounts of vitamin C and Vitamin A. One cup of raw, red bell peppers supplies roughly 290 percent of the recommended daily allowance of vitamin C and 105 percent of the RDA for vitamin A. Bell peppers also contain significant amounts of vitamin B 6 and dietary fiber.

Bell peppers are a great, low calorie snack. One red bell pepper contains only 30 to 40 calories and has a satisfying crunchy bite. The fiber that bell peppers contain will help you to feel full with very few calories. Keep slices of bell peppers in the refrigerator, so you’ll always have something healthy to reach for when you’re having a snack attack.
Bell peppers are a great source of antioxidants. Antioxidants are free radical scavengers that help to keep the body in tip-top shape. Not only are bell peppers high in the antioxidant vitamins C and A, they are also a good source of lycopene. Consuming foods with lycopene has been shown to lower the risk of prostate, bladder, cervical and pancreatic cancers.
Red bell peppers contain lutein, a phytonutrient that has been proven to have a protective benefit against macular degeneration.

Potato Health Benefits

Nutrition experts recommend starchy foods including potatoes as a perfect base for a healthy balanced diet.
Potatoes are a starchy food, which means they are a source of energy as well as providing fibre, vitamins and minerals. Potatoes are naturally fat free. They have a low energy density (the amount of calories/kilojoules they provide per gram) which makes them ideal for helping with weight management when cooked with little or no fat and served in appropriate amounts.
Potato, nutritionally rich tuberous root vegetable, is a good source of starch, vitamins and fiber. The humble tuber is one of the most widely grown perennial crops and one of the cheap staple food items of the poor population all over the world. Botanically, it belongs to the various perennial subspecies of Solanum tuberosum of the Solanaceae family.

Health Benefits if Cabbage

Cabbage contains important Vital Substances like Calcium, Magnesium, Iodine, Cink and Iron. In addition cabbage contains a great deal of insoluble fiber too.

- Vitamine A protects your skin and eyes 

- Vitamine B boosts your energy metabolism and helps with concentration. 

- Vitamine C - one cup shredded cabbage implies around 34 milligrams 

- Vitamine E - a great source of vitamin E, making it good for the complexion. 

- Potassium - Its high portion of potassium purifies your body and skin 

- Selen helps body releasing second messengers for a good feeling 

Cabbage can provide you with some special cholesterol-lowering benefits if you will cook it by steaming. The fiber-related components in cabbage do a better job of binding together with bile acids in your digestive tract when they've been steamed. When this binding process takes place, it's easier for bile acids to be excreted, and the result is a lowering of your cholesterol levels. Raw cabbage still has cholesterol-lowering ability, just not as much as steamed cabbage.

Health Benefits of Radish

Radishes and their greens provide an excellent source of vitamin C.
Content of their root and are also a good source of calcium.  
Red Globes also offer a very good source of the trace mineral 
molybdenum and are a good source of potassium and folic acid.
Daikons provide a very good source of potassium and copper.
Radishes, like other member of 
the cruciferous family (cabbage, kale, broccoli, Brussels sprouts), contain cancer-protective properties.  Throughout 
history radishes have been effective when used as a medicinal food for liver 
disorders.  They contain a variety of sulfur-based chemicals that increase the flow of 
bile.  Therefore, they help to maintain a healthy gallbladder and liver, and improve 
digestion.  Fresh radish roots contain a larger amount of vitamin C than cooked 
radish roots.  Radish greens, contain far more vitamin C, calcium, and protein than 
the roots.  

Health Benefits of Raspberry

Raspberries rank in the top 10 antioxidant-high fruits and vegetables! They possess almost 50% higher antioxidant activity than strawberries.

Antioxidants are believed to help prevent and repair oxidative stress, a process that damages body cells and has been linked to the development of diseases such as cancer, heart disease and Alzheimer's disease.
Raspberries provide important anti-inflammatories, including anthocyanins (the pigments in red, purple and blue fruits), which are believed to help reduce cardiovascular disease and diabetes, help to improve eyesight and memory functions.
Ellagic acids, which may slow down the growth of some cancer cells, is found in raspberries (including the seeds!), in fact raspberries are a leading source of the acid.
Research has also shown that ellagic acid from raspberries is easily absorbed by the body. The seeds of raspberries also serve as beneficial "roughage" in the digestive tract.

Health Benefits of Grapes

Grapes contain high levels of vitamin C. Vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant that assists your body in ridding itself of free radicals within the body. These radicals can attack your cells, weaken your immune system and allow your body to catch certain diseases. The common cold is typically a result of lowered levels of vitamin C in your body. Try eating grapes to supplement your body with vitamin C.

If you're looking to get an energy boost, grapes help you by providing your body with vitamin B1. Vitamin B1 is a vitamin that will give your body energy. Aside from doing that, it will also help keep your nervous system to function properly.
Though you can get flavanoids in leafy, green vegetables, too, grapes are a great source of them. The grapes found in flavanoids reduce your body's chance of suffering from blood clots. If they become enough of a problem, blood clots can cause strokes and also put you at a higher risk for heart attacks and other forms of heart disease. The flavanoids in grapes reduce the risk of these clots, which promotes good blood circulation throughout your body.
If you suffer from high blood pressure, grapes could help to lower it by providing your body with potassium. Potassium also helps fight your body's chances of undergoing a stroke. If you suffer from a lack of energy, you could also be suffering from a potassium deficiency. Try a single serving of grapes everyday to assist you with this
In addition to the vitamins and nutrients listed above, grapes also have high levels   
of manganese in them.

Health Benefits of Coconut

Apart from being good for the skin and hair of a person, coconut oil has been found to be beneficial in case of the following ailments. 

·         Stress
·         Heart Diseases
·         High Cholesterol Levels
·         Too Much Weight
·         Kidney Problems
·         Poor Digestion
·         Low Metabolism
·         High Blood Pressure
·         Low Immunity
·         Dental Problems
·         Diabetes
·         Low Bone Density
·         HIV
·         Cancer
·         Premature Aging
·         Pancreatitis

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Health Benefits of Papaya

Papaya may be a much overlooked fruit selection, but perhaps you should give it another chance. This tropical fruit is ranked as one of the most nutritious fruits by the Center for Science in the Public Interest because of its high content of so many vitamins and minerals.

A papaya is one of the fruits with the highest concentration of vitamin C per serving. A 1 cup serving of fresh papaya contains 88.3 mg of vitamin, which is well over 100 percent of the amount you need each day. The Harvard School of Public Health reports that vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant that helps to promote good health by producing collagen for healthy bones, teeth, gums and muscles.
A 1 cup serving of papaya is also a healthy way to boost your daily intake of potassium. This serving size of fresh papaya supplies you with 264 mg of this essential mineral. The American Heart Association notes that eating sufficient amounts of potassium will help to keep your blood pressure normal by reducing the harmful effects of the sodium in your diet. You should aim to get about 4,700 mg of potassium from your diet each day to get these benefits. Potassium also promotes healthy muscles and supports a normal heart beat.

Your body requires a certain amount of vitamin A for healthy skin, cells and bones. Your diet needs to include plenty of beta-carotene because your body uses it to produce vitamin A. A 1 cup serving of fresh papaya contains 397 mcg of beta-carotene. The Harvard School of Public Health reports that beta-carotene is a safer way to increase your vitamin A levels and eating papaya can aid you with that goal without the overdose dangers associated with taking vitamin A supplements.

Most commonly associated with cooked tomatoes, lycopene is an antioxidant that may help reduce your risk of cancer, heart disease and macular degeneration, notes Papayas are an additional source of lycopene that can help you add this antioxidant to your daily diet. A 1 cup serving of red-fleshed papaya contains 2,651 mcg of lycopene, but yellow-fleshed papayas contain 0 mcg. If you are trying to increase your lycopene intake, opt for red-fleshed papayas.

Health Benefits of Garlic

A single clove of garlic, one serving, weighs approximately 3 g and contains about three calories. There is 1 g of carbohydrate and 3 mg of sodium in a single clove. Garlic contains no fat, no cholesterol and no protein. Garlic contains small amounts of the nutrients calcium, manganese, choline, folate, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, selenium, and vitamins C, A and K in each clove.

Garlic is one of the few foods containing sulfur compounds which give garlic its characteristic strong scent while also providing beneficial activity within the body. Garlic has three different groups of sulfur-containing compounds: thiosulfinates, sulfoxides and dithiins. Specific compounds within these groups include allicin, alliin, allixin,S-allylcysteine, ajoene, 1,2-vinyldithiin and thiacremonone. Some major activities of these compounds include helping maintain blood pressure, lowering cholesterol, preventing cancer and preventing blood clots.

While many of the studies into the nutritional components of garlic have focused on the activity of its sulfur-containing compounds, there are other phytochemicals that confer health benefits as well. Quercetin, luteolin and kaempferol are flavonoids in garlic that provide anti-inflammatory activity and act as antioxidants to scavenge and neutralize free radicals in the body that could contribute to cancer if left unchecked.

Garlic consumption has an overall cardioprotective effect on the body, according to World's Healthiest Foods. The spice also may contribute to weight loss by regulating the formation of fat cells in the body. Garlic has strong antibacterial and antiviral activity that can help prevent or shorten the duration of infections. Garlic is also anti-inflammatory, which might confer protection against diseases such as arthritis and asthma.

Health Benefits of Tomatoes

There are approximately 38 calories in one cup of sliced tomatoes or in one medium tomato. Tomatoes are a low-calorie food, so they can be included as part of a low-calorie diet for weight loss. Using tomatoes is a low-fat way to season foods such as putting salsa on a salad instead of dressing or using tomato sauce on pasta.

A cup of tomato slices has 1.53 grams of protein. They are considered to be fairly low in protein, considering the average adult needs about 55 grams of protein a day or more.

A medium size tomato or a cup of tomato pieces has 8.35 grams of carbohydrates. Compared with foods such as pasta, potatoes and even many green vegetables, tomatoes are considered low in carbohydrates. They are often served as part of a low-carbohydrate diet as a side dish instead of potatoes, bread or fries

Tomatoes have less than a gram of fat. In fact, a medium tomato or a cup of tomato slices has only 0.59 grams of total fat. The type of fat in tomatoes is polyunsaturated fats, specifically linoleic acid, which is healthy for your heart. There are no saturated or artery-clogging fats whatsoever in tomatoes.

Tomatoes are an excellent source of vitamins A, C, E and K. They also contain important minerals such as magnesium, with 19.8 mg per serving, and potassium, with 399.6 mg per serving. Tomatoes also contain antioxidants, which studies suggest can reduce your risk for various types of cancer, especially prostate cancer.

Health Benefits of Watermelon

Health Benefits of Ginger

Ginger has been found to be helpful in blocking the harmful effects of prostaglandin, a substance that can lead to inflammation of the blood vessels in the brain and even cause migraines.

 Ginger has been associated with alleviation of the feeling of nausea, even in case of pregnant women.
The anti-inflammatory properties of ginger make it effective in alleviation of the pain associated with rheumatoid arthritis.
Ginger helps to promote warmth in the upper respiratory tract and thus, is quite effective in treating cold and flu.
 Those suffering from cramps, caused by stomach gas, have found ginger to be quite effective.
 Ginger makes the platelets less sticky and is thus, pretty helpful in case of circulatory disorders.
The cineole content in ginger has been found to be a mood enhancer and can help in relieving stress.
Ginger tea is said to be a great stress buster and has been found to have refreshing properties.
Ginger is a natural and effective mouth freshener and also aids digestion.
Ginger reduces inflammation and also helps lower cholesterol.
Ginger is good for those suffering from gas and bloating.
Ginger is believed to have anti-cancer properties. As per studies, ginger powder leads to cell death which is applied to ovarian cancer cells.Ginger has been associated with easing of menstrual cramps and mitigation of headache.
Ginger is quite effective in treating diarrhea.
As per studies, ginger provide relief to migraine because it stops prostaglandins from causing pain and inflammation in blood vessels.

Health Benefits of Parsley

Parsley is the richest vegetable-herb source of Potassium - the muscle mineral. Potassium foods stimulate the kidneys to eliminate poisonous waste matter, they also help to preserve proper alkalinity of the blood and body fluids and they promote a healthy skin condition.
For some people, Parsley is a food to decorate a dinner plate even though they may have heart troubles, regular headaches, constipation, acne, hypertension, rheumatism or arthritis. The nutrient content of Parsley is one of the best medicines for day-to-day use. One small clipping of Parsley per day will promote our health like no other food. The mineral Potassium is easily destroyed in cooking and to ensure that you are protected from a deficiency of this mineral, regular use of raw Potassium foods is essential.
Parsley is also an excellent source of the following nutrients: Magnesium - and the mineral Calcium are required in combination for proper nerve and heart functioning, daily use of Parsley is one of the best nerve medicines. Parsley is an excellent food for development of healthy blood due to the abundant supply of the three main blood-building nutrients: iron, copper and manganese, they are termed as the "blood builders". Copper foods protect the lungs from disease and they promote regular heart action and absorption of vitamin C. Manganese is termed as the "memory mineral" as it helps to nourish the nervous system and brain, stimulating the transmission of impulses between nerves and their associated muscles. Parsley is also an excellent source of vitamin A - healthy skin, prevention of disease and reduction of infection, these B group vitamins are also dominant: B1 - "the vitamin of courage," B2 - "the youth vitamin" and B3 - "the morale vitamin". Regular use of Parsley is one of the best ways to restore the body to a state of physical and mental strength and positive resistance to numerous degenerative disorders. Freshly make vegetable juices are always enhanced with a handful of fresh Parsley that will be about one ounce of juice. Parsley prevents disease.

Health Benefits of Guyabano or Soursop

Guyabano fruit is claimed to be a miraculous natural cancer cell killer 10,000 times stronger than chemotherapy. It has anti-tumor effect and a proven remedy to all types of cancer.

Analyses of the fruit flesh showed that it is deficient in calcium and phosphorus. According to Jansen and Donath it is deficient in vitamin A. Hermano and Sepulveda, however, report that it is an excellent source of vitamins B and C. Prinsan-Geerlings reports that the flesh of the fruit contains saccharose 2.53%, dextrose 5.05% and levulose 0.04 %.
The bark was studied by Greshoff who isolated the amorphous alkaloid, soluble in sodium or potassium hydroxide, but according to Ridley and Daruty is astringent, and is used in powdered form for diarrhea and dysentery. Kirtikar, Basu and Nadkarni say that it is much used as tonic by the Malays and Chinese. The fruit is used as an anthelmintic. The unripe and dried fruit as astringent. Used to cure diarrhea among the Amerindians. With sugar, the pulp is refreshing, and is prescribed for diarrhea in Guiana, Antilles and Reunion. Tavera reports the roots are used by Amerindians to treat epilepsy.

Health Benefits of Moringa Oleifera ( Malunggay)

Moringa Oleifera ( Malunggay )  is a native to parts of  Africa and Asia. It  is a sole genus in the flowering part family Moringacea.

Benefits of Malunggay

one rounded tablespoon of powder is added to an infant's food, three times daily, the 25g of leaf powder will give him roughly the following in terms of RDA:

Protein: 42% 
Calcium: 125% 
Magnesium: 61% 
Potassium: 41% 
Iron: 71% 
Vitamin A: 272% 
Vitamin C: 22% 
During periods of pregnancy and breast-feeding, women are most at risk of suffering from nutritional deficiencies. If a woman consumed six rounded tablespoons of leaf powder per day during these times, she would receive roughly the following in terms of RDA:

Protein: 21% 
Calcium: 84% 
Magnesium: 54% 
Potassium: 22% 
Iron: 94% 
Vitamin A: 143% 
Vitamin C: 9% 

Health Benefits of Lemon

 The lemon are small evergreen tree native to Asia and the tree ellipsoidal yellow fruit.

·         Lemons are packed with numerous health benefiting nutrients. The fruit is low in calories, 29 calories per 100 g, one of the lowest among the citrus groups. 
·         It contains no saturated fats or cholesterol, but is rich in dietary fiber (7.36% of RDA). Lemon is one of the very low glycemic fruits.
·         Its acidic taste is due to citric acid. Citric acid is present up to 8% in its juice. Citric acid is a natural preservative, aids digestion. Studies found that citric acid helps dissolve kidney stones.
·         Lemons, like other fellow citrus fruits, are an excellent source of ascorbic acid (provides about 88% of DRI). Ascorbic acid or vitamin-C is a powerful water soluble natural anti-oxidant. This vitamin is helpful in preventing scurvy. Besides, consumption of foods rich in vitamin-C helps the human body develop resistance against infectious agents and scavenge harmful, pro-inflammatory free radicals from the blood.
·         Lemons, like oranges, contain a variety of phytochemicals. Hesperetin, naringin, and naringenin are flavonoid glycosides commonly found in citrus fruits. Naringenin is found to have a bio-active effect on human health as antioxidant, free radical scavenger, anti-inflammatory, and immune system modulator. This substance has also been shown to reduce oxidant injury to DNA in the cells in-vitro studies.
·         They also contain a small level of vitamin A, and other flavonoid anti-oxidants such as α, and ß-carotenes, beta-cryptoxanthin, zea-xanthin and lutein. These compounds are known to have antioxidant properties. Vitamin A also required for maintaining healthy mucus membranes and skin and is also essential for vision. Consumption of natural fruits rich in flavonoids helps the body to protect from lung and oral cavity cancers.
·         Total ORAC value, which measures the anti-oxidant strength of 100 g of fresh lemon juice is 1225 µmol TE (Trolex equivalents).
·         The fruit is also a good source of B-complex vitamins such as pantothenic acid, pyridoxine, and folates. These vitamins are essential in the sense that body requires them from external sources to replenish.
·         Further, they contain a healthy amount of minerals like iron, copper, potassium, and calcium. Potassium in an important component of cell and body fluids helps control heart rate and blood pressure.

Pineapple Health Benefits

Pineapples are consumed fresh, cooked, juiced, and preserved, and are found in a wide array of cuisines. In addition to consumption, in the Philippines the pineapple's leaves are used to produce the textile fiber piñaemployed as a component of wall paper and furnishings, among  other uses.

Along with vitamins and minerals, eating raw, fresh pineapple or drinking fresh pineapple juice provides a number of beneficial enzymes to your diet.

Enzymes found in pineapple include bromelain, which is believed to help reduce inflammation. Other unsubstantiated claims include things like:
·         Helps with the digestion of protein
·         Helps prevent blood clots
·         Reduction of certain types of tumor growth
·         Help improve circulation

Bromelain can also be purchased as a supplement and is sometimes called pineapple enzyme

Banana Health Benefits

New research from the British Medical Journal recommends the following diet tweak: increase potassium by eating more bananas and vegetables and cut down on salt to reduce blood pressure and risk of stroke.

One study review found that consuming an extra two or three servings of fruits or vegetables per day would do the trick. The researchers added that a combination of increased potassium and reduced salt had a bigger effect than changing just one of these factors alone.

Scientists from the UN World Food Programme, Imperial College London and Warwick Medical School, among others, looked at 22 controlled trials and another 11 studies involving more than 128,000 subjects.

Potassium-rich foods include vegetables, nuts and seeds, milk, fish, chicken and bread.
The Mayo Clinic reports that most adults need 4,700 mg of potassium a day, but that is not always an easy feat, since you'd need to eat 11 bananas a day to meet those requirements. However, a healthy diet packed with fruits and vegetables should provide ample levels of this important nutrient, they add.

A baked potato with the skin has 1,081 mg of potassium, while just one cup of cooked spinach has 839 mg.

A separate study on salt intake, led by researchers at the Wolfson Institute of Preventive Medicine, Queen Mary, University of London, analyzed the results of 34 previous trials involving more than 3,000 people. Results found that modestly cutting your salt intake for four or more weeks promoted significant drops in blood pressure in adults with both high and normal blood pressure.