Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Health Benefits of Moringa Oleifera ( Malunggay)

Moringa Oleifera ( Malunggay )  is a native to parts of  Africa and Asia. It  is a sole genus in the flowering part family Moringacea.

Benefits of Malunggay

one rounded tablespoon of powder is added to an infant's food, three times daily, the 25g of leaf powder will give him roughly the following in terms of RDA:

Protein: 42% 
Calcium: 125% 
Magnesium: 61% 
Potassium: 41% 
Iron: 71% 
Vitamin A: 272% 
Vitamin C: 22% 
During periods of pregnancy and breast-feeding, women are most at risk of suffering from nutritional deficiencies. If a woman consumed six rounded tablespoons of leaf powder per day during these times, she would receive roughly the following in terms of RDA:

Protein: 21% 
Calcium: 84% 
Magnesium: 54% 
Potassium: 22% 
Iron: 94% 
Vitamin A: 143% 
Vitamin C: 9% 

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